10 Email Drip Campaign Examples to Steal Today.

November 28, 2019

One key email marketing campaign type that you must have heard of by now is Drip campaign. The primary goal of these campaigns is to attract the right kind of subscribers to you. After that the shift to start sending subscribers relevant emails will make them more likely to follow your call to action, this is actually a way to provide value to your subscribers.

Below we will be discussing 10 great email drip campaign examples that you can learn from and apply. But before that, we will begin with the basics. Starting from what a drip campaign is exactly, to how does it work and what benefits can it bring to your brand.

Drip Campaign

You will also learn how to implement a drip campaign and we’ll mention some types of drip campaigns based on the sector of the industry. After all that we will be providing you with great examples of a drip campaign and our own take on what makes them so good. Let’s begin.

What is a drip campaign?

Drip marketing is an email marketing strategy that is based on people signing up a form that you will use as a database. The campaign will then send these subscribers relevant information about products and services that your brand offers. All emails are sent in a timely fashion, at specific times and dates, the time of the email can be changed and personalized for each recipient in order to maximize results. This process goes on until the subscriber cancels its subscription or until the campaign ends.

How to implement a drip campaign?

A good drip campaign is implemented using marketing automation. This is so you can schedule emails at different times and dates for each recipient on your list. For this to work properly you need to take a few things into consideration. The first is the material you’re sending your recipients and the quality of work you aim to send. Then you need to think if the person that signed up on your list is actually interested in your products or services.

Drip campaigns can be very creative compared to other marketing strategies. Using a drip campaign, you can combine different tactics to make your recipients fall I love with what you have to offer. While in drip campaigns you also must provide value of some sort to your recipients, this drastically reduces the risk of people leaving your campaign.

What is it that makes a drip campaign a successful one?

The definition of success can come in different shapes and sizes. A drip campaign is a successful one when it achieves what you desire, with that in mind the first question you need to ask is, what do you need?

  • Do you need more checkouts?
  • Get more people to visit your website?
  • Need to increase the engagement of your recipients and clients?
  • Get more users onboard with your service easily?

The good news is that each and every single one of these things can be done using a drip campaign. And even better, you can do it automatically. However, the very first thing that you will need for this is a good subscriber list. When we say good, we mean a valid and verified one, luckily for you we have just the service for that. VerifyBee is exactly the service you need if you want to make sure that your emailing list is completely verified and safe to use.

You will also need an automated email service, MailChimp is usually a service that can get the job done and many people use. If they’re not really your style then there are other alternatives on the internet. Before we move on from this part, allow me to share that one key to the success of a drip campaign is personalization. The fact that you can customize your emails to provide value of different kinds to your recipients is a major factor in the outcome of the campaign. You can read more about this in our article about why personalization is important.

Why use a drip campaign?

Drip campaigns offer a great way to attract the right public for your brad. They also provide a good way to achieve a regular growth. Since they rely on automatization the amount of work that you have to do is significantly less than with other more conventional email marketing campaigns. Hence providing a great way to show results while working smarter and more efficiently.

Drip campaigns by industry.

The following is a list of sectors in the industry that can take advantage of a good drip campaign.

Real estate.

Every realtor needs to have good management and monitoring skills, not to mention good leadership to run a team. This last bit also means to have good administrative and scheduling skills. Provided that these are key skills in the field, they count with good synergy with what a drip campaign is actually about.

Drip campaigns can help people in real estate to manage follow-up calls, viewings and much more. Automatization also means that whenever a person clicks on a particular link, that person will be taken through a specific and pre-designed process. That can be to get more information on a particular property or to get redirected to schedule a viewing. Implementing a drip campaign can do wonders for the efficiency of realtors.

Blogging business.

Famous bloggers and influencers also make use of drip campaigns to get more followers and increase engagement in existing ones. One of the perks of an automated drip campaign is that you can handle everything yourself. What it would normally take a team of about 10 people can be done by a single person.

Drip campaigns are also very useful, in this sector of the industry, when it comes to website re-engagement. Many people in the blogging business also make use of a drip campaign to give new users a warm welcome, this ensures the start of a lasting and valuable relationship with that follower.

Fashion industry.

This sector of the industry is one that uses drip campaigns all the time. This is done to send happy birthday emails at precisely the right day, send carefully crafted surveys, and then again website re-engagement emails. These are just the more common examples of how drip campaigns are used in the fashion industry.

If you happen to be in the fashion industry then you can surely think of more creative ways to implement a drip campaign to accomplish your goals.

Beauty and cosmetics industry.

Using drip campaigns people in this sector of industry can keep track of their most valuable customers and send them information about products that might interest them. A drip campaign can also be used to set up regular emails that talk about recommendations for products based on the time of the year.

People working on beauty and cosmetics are always very active in social media and as such, they can gain a large number of subscribers really quickly. Making a drip campaign ideal to handle all the volume of contacts that you’ll need to provide value to.


Ecommerce is also one of the sectors of the industry that take advantage of drip campaigns the most. This is due to all the repeat purchase reminders, VIP customer reward, upselling and cross-selling strategies implemented.

It’s very likely that if you’re working on an E-commerce site you have implemented a drip campaign already. They can do wonders for E-commerce and other businesses alike.

Our 10 drip campaign examples.

1. Sark eMedia 30-day blogging challenge.

There are different kinds of people that go online every single day. When it comes to blogging, you can either surf the web mindlessly or you can do it with a goal in mind. Exactly that last way is what inspired Sark eMedia to launch its 30-day blogging challenge.

This campaign was great for bloggers and writers, they could learn how to write about different topics while at the same time feeding their curiosity. The actual campaign was focused more on increasing their conversion rate based on constantly providing value to each subscriber. What they did was send an email every single day, containing information and blog recommendations, for 30 days.

Here’s a sample of how the actual email from the campaign looks like.

drip campaign examples

As you can see the email is simple yet effective, it makes good use of whitespace and the right words. I’m completely sure that if you decide to follow this example you will be able to make a great enhancement to their template. You can opt in to use images pertinent to the content of the email, more on this can be found in our article about the importance of images.

2. Leah Kalamakis at freelancing to freedom project.

This freelance web designer made a living out of her job and she decided to impart her knowledge and experience with others. The way she chooses to do so is via the Freelancing freedom project school.

Via that online course, she offers their subscribers an insight on what made her successful. Sadly, this is only available to paid subscribers, but that is exactly the point. One of the goals she had when starting this course was to generate profit out of it as well, she can do this successfully by using a drip campaign to get more interested people into her website and to provide value to people that have already subscribed.

One of the many wonderful things that you can emulate about this drip campaign is the personal tone used. By now you must know that personalization has the potential to increase your campaign’s success in a drastic way.

3. Drift’s welcoming drip campaign.

Again, this is a very simple yet effective drip campaign, implemented by Drift to generate engagement in their new subscribers. One of the key things to consider when using an automated email campaign such as a drip campaign is that the first email that you send will define the tone for the rest of them. Hence the importance of a welcoming campaign if you really want a loyal customer base.

Drift is a live chat application that can be embedded on your site. Their aim was to provide useful content with every single email rather than a simple and basic approach. Other welcoming campaigns focus more on taking the recipient to a landing page where the highlights of the service are explained and people are thanked for using it.

Instead, they opted to send a list of the best blog post that their subscribers needed to read, thus providing value to them. This unconventional style really sets them apart from their competition, securing them a loyal customer base.

4. Twelve days to Trello.

People hoping to run a drip campaign can do what Trello did to increase their conversion rate. This is a more aggressive sales strategy but one with the potential to pay off in big time.

In their drip campaign, Trello featured an overwhelming list of benefits to obtaining from using their services and products. This is a very direct approach that is likely to yield good results combined with good images and design.

Twelve days to Trello was a drip campaign that took place during the holiday season, the actual title of the campaign is a play on the song “12 days to Christmas”. Each email contained links to pages on how to use Trello for lots of different purposes. You can take a look at the actual email to send in their campaign.

drip campaign examples

5. Smiley Cookie’s cart abandonment recovery campaign.

This campaign is a great example for all those running an Ecommerce site, especially those that have difficulties closing a deal with a potential buyer. The main problem addressed in this drip campaign was cart abandonment.

The best way to combat this is by using automated emails reminding them of what they’re missing on their shopping cart. While this sounds simple enough that anyone can implement it, in reality implementing this takes some thinking. Sometimes you need to set up more than a few reminder emails before a person comes back to check on their cart.

The big idea behind this campaign is to produce profits based on encouraging people to finish their transaction. The beauty of this drip campaign example is that it doesn’t rely on conditioning the cart recovery. It quite simply reminds the buyers of the value they can gain from the items left in the cart.

One of the things they did right with this drip campaign was the attention to public. Being polite and understanding can go a long way when it comes to closing a deal with a potential buyer. You should definitely check out their drip campaign and take notes on what you can use for your own.

6. Becca Cartice’s free workshop.

Workshops often require some commitment from the users and instructors. While there won’t be any problem with the instructors, the users might be a different story. A great idea to take from this example is to use a drip campaign to remind users of their commitment.

This drip campaign for a workshop focused more on providing information, to its subscribers, about new content. This helps to maintain a good engagement rate. The actual emails from the campaign are extremely personable, every recipient could completely feel they were talking to a real person. Which is exactly what you aim for using personalization.

Here’s a sample of an email from the drip campaign.

sample of an email from the drip campaign

One of the major aims of any drip campaign should be to keep the subscribers engaged. This for a free workshop means that you need to constantly remind them exactly what they’re missing on. You can also use them to make sure that your recipients are keeping up with the content you’re generating for them.

7. RyanAir’s campaign for new offer launches.

The digital marketers up at RyanAir HQ do know how to make their time and effort count. They implemented one of the top email drip campaign best practices. When the campaign took action, each subscriber went through the following.

  1. They get notified of a mega seat sale and a date for valid bookings.
  2. Then they received an email with an update of the sale with no “book by” limitation.
  3. Then another one mentioning when will the offer expire.

This is one of the best drip campaigns that we can offer as an example. You can check out a sample of the actual email below.

sample of an email from the drip campaign

8. SkinnyDip’s re-engagement drip campaign.

This is one of two drip campaigns implemented successfully by SkinnyDip. The main objective is to remind customers and clients of what wonderful offers they can get. This means getting them to re-engage with the brand.

girl with two cats

Their drip campaign was carefully planned and executed; they spare no expense in making the recipient feel important. This is yet another example of what makes a great drip campaign, you can use one similar to this to re-engage your recipients.

Their drip campaign was so effective in providing value that they even added a 5$ coupon for their store. That is providing value in a literal sense.

9. SkinnyDip’s cart abandonment campaign.

Every E-commerce site suffers from cart abandonment, SkinnyDip is not the exception. What they did to overcome that problem is what landed another of their drip campaigns in this list.

They put their subscribers and customers in an emailing list that sent them emails reminding them of their cart. As if that wasn’t enough, they also added a 10% off offer for the next purchase only.

example of email drip campaign

As you can see, they also implemented personalized images in their automated emails. You can, and should, take these ideas and see if you can implement something similar in your business, it will definitely pay off.

10. Qualroo’s onboarding.

Onboarding is sometimes about lessening the friction for your recipients and other times about constancy. In the case of Qualroo’s campaign, it was about showing exactly what to do for every step of the onboarding.

The idea behind this campaign was to provide users with a detailed guide on what to do according to your call to action. The point this example makes is that you can use drip campaigns to smoothen the issues some recipients might have with your webpage or service.


But their campaign doesn’t stop there. In the event that they receive no information from you following your onboarding, their system will send an email inviting the user to schedule a demo with one of their representatives.

That is exactly what a good drip campaign represents. Automatization with efficiency and good results, all while aiming at the right audience.

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