Subject for Meeting Request Email Sample.

September 2, 2019


The best subject lines to request a meeting can be a bit tricky sometimes. It greatly depends on why do you want the meeting, who do you want it with and when. You want to make it stick out but not enough to be considered rude or out of order. This fine line, between commanding and showing the right amount of respect, can be a little difficult for some people. That’s why we’ve brought you the best subject for meeting request.

The actual subject line should be simple, straight forward and informative. A good idea would be to add a tentative date for the meeting in the subject line. Remember that the details should be displayed in the body of the email, the subject line is just that, the subject of the email.

Below you’ll find a list of the best subject lines to request a meeting depending on the situation. But before we get to that, it is always best if you construct the subject line yourself. For this very reason we can provide the following.

Tips to help you generate the best subject line for your email.

  • Use the subject line for a single clear message. Every mail should have a different subject line based on the content of the email and each email should address that topic on particular.
  • Keep it simple and short. A good length for your subject line is around 30 words. This also aids for the recipients opening emails from a mobile platform.
  • Be clear. If you’re sending an email as a part of a survey or a newsletter, you can add it as a subject. People tend to avoid misleading subject lines and prefer honesty overall when it comes to the content of an email.
  • Avoid suspicious subject lines at all cost. People will not hesitate on discarding your emails if they sound like spam. Avoid subject lines like “100% GUARANTEED RETURN INVESTMENT!!”.
  • Avoid the spam filter. The point above is the odd case that using those types of subject lines can get you across the email filter of an email platform. The much ore likely case is that by using those subject lines your email will be considered spam, and thus filtered.
  • Customize your subject lines. This can be done by obtaining information about what your audience responds the best. In the case of a meeting request subject line, you can try different version for different meetings and the evaluate which one yields the best answers.

Keys for a good meeting request subject line.

Understand the term “Capacity Words”.

People reding your emails can get an idea of the email based on the subject line, but they can also get overloaded by the terms used. Be careful of sounding too specific as to make your recipient feel at a loss based on the wording of your subject line.

Influence pronouns to extent connections.

With proper use of the words “We”, “You” and “Your”, there are good results for your subject lines. People tend to stablish a subconscious connection with what those words represent, this persuades them to give a response.

This can be considered a sort of personalization for your subject lines since they involve the recipient directly. Never underestimate the power of generating connections when it comes to the subject line of your emails.

Motivate your recipients.

This is not the same as to send a general motivation email, it is actually far from it. You want to stablish the connection mentioned before, and then you want to make it play on your favor. Use power words to make the reader feel even more engage with your needs. This is exactly what we mean with motivation. Make them feel like they have an important role to play on the subject of discussion and thus the meeting is important for them as well.

Samples of the best email subject lines to request a meeting.

The following is a sample list of the best subject lines to request a meeting. Keep in mind the nature of your email when choosing a sample from this list.

Requesting to meet on Wednesday this week

Scheduling a meeting

Meeting Time… Let’s Meet

I would like to meet with you to discuss about my compensation

I was hoping to meet you on Thursday this week.

Want to meet you. I would like to discuss more on the responsibility of the company.

Do you have any time to meet this week?

I want to meet with you for upcoming sales conference

I have time to meet on Friday this week at 2 pm. Are you free?

Please let me know any time when you are free on Saturday

I was hoping we could meet this week to discuss an important issue

Please let me know if you are free today

If possible, can you please give me an appointment

Meeting invitation: Its urgent

Meeting Alert Today: (Time) (Place)

Hello, you have a meeting tomorrow! Please confirm

Hello (name of the company) Meeting request in your inbox

Meet Robert from your school

Connecting Future with Mark

Reaching out for partnership opportunity

Follow up for meeting from the Small Business Expo

As promised: We are here to fix your meeting schedule

Free coffee from our side: lets Meet

Meeting Schedule for Great

Here is the calendar of tomorrow’s meeting

It will be great if we can meet you by Tuesday

Here is the budget template that we are going to discuss

Free workshop: Fixing your meeting for tomorrow

You are invited to meet us tomorrow for breakfast

Wednesday: happy hour at 6 pm at the Bark Park

Don’t miss out…. We have a meeting tomorrow

Even more...

Lunch and meet up- Meet for a Estate planning

Get on the road to code: Meeting plan sent on phone

Thanks for your time. We have scheduled a meeting for you.

Appreciated that you have gave time from your busy schedule. Meeting fixed

Special thanks to you for scheduling a meeting with CEO

It will be great if you will come tomorrow in a meeting with Sales Manager

Reminder for a meeting for tomorrow

Meeting reminder: Meeting for discussing business related issues

Don’t forget to attend a meeting on Thursday

Your grace time for fixing the meeting is expiring

Can’t wait for tomorrow. Let’s meet up today itself.

Meeting tomorrow! Provide your confirmation today itself.

Exclusive meeting reminder just for you

Are you satisfied with today’s meeting? If not then we can reschedule a meeting

Thanks for visiting for a meeting.

Further on...

Please share your experience for this meeting.

Special meeting invitation for Loyal customers

Let’s meet on Sunday. Like and review us on Facebook

We are requesting you to attend a meeting on Saturday.

Confirm your presence for the meeting

We hope that we will meet you by this week.

If you have time to meet today at 3 pm then we are interested

Meet you urgently on 4 pm by today

Requesting you to meet urgently

Please confirm your presence for an urgent meeting

Meeting fix. Now no change in schedule.

We value you and your money both.

Your two minutes to open this mail can save your 2 hours in your work

Let’s discuss the matter of pricing

We welcome you to the family

Save the date [Insert date here].

Wishing you good luck and success

Let’s Discuss Important in Meeting at () ()

Thank you for the meeting, Schedule on

Meeting for huge success

Today Meeting on COmpany Success

leave Early today. Meet Asap

Awaiting your response

Awaiting your decision on our partnership

Your review matters to us

Can you spare a minute, its urgent

We don’t deal in money, we deal in satisfaction

Your Views matters more. Meet Today

Let’s walkthrough the project today afternoon

Meeting postponed

You are an integral part, lets share views on it

Deal expiring soon, Lets Meet

Sale ends today, meet us Today on

We value your time, just one more hour for the deal to close

Open and explore the () in Meeting today

A surprise Meeting is waiting for you

Now we are at your doorsteps

Your appointment is scheduled, meet the () soon

You take care of the family, we will take care of you

Your Meeting Schedule is ready

Stop worrying and Meet us on___


The subject line to request a meeting is very important, often times the decision is made based on the subject line alone. If you have something more particular in mind, like a meeting with your boss then you should check out our article on how to request a meeting with your boss. In it you will also find sample emails about it.

If you like our content and want to find more then be sure to visit our blog and check out more articles.

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