The Art of Using Personalized Images in Your Emails

December 7, 2019

Personalized images have the potential to turn in high reply rates and more engagement from your recipients. In this brief piece, we will be covering the best ways and ideas to implement personalized images in your emails. By doing this you’ll be one step closer to your email marketing goals and objectives.

Understanding what can be done using different methods of personalization, and why, is part of the job. The art of using personalized images in your emails is more than just about applying personalization. It’s about successfully creating a deep engagement from your recipients based on the email presentation.

The Art of Using Personalized Images in Your Emails

Keep in mind that every image used is part of the format of your email and that the format of your emails can say a lot about the level of professionalism available in your company. Using the best and most tested ideas is a good way to go about personalized images in your emails.

Before you send out your emails always be sure to verify email lists as its imperative that your messages reach your recipient's inbox.

Without further ado let’s begin with the best ways to implement personalization to the images in your emails. These work for typical sales emails and outreach emails as well.

Using custom text on your images.

What we mean when we say “Custom text” is those labels you often see in email templates. Labels such as {First Name}, {Brand’s Name} and so on. These can be incorporated in your images to create an even bigger impact on your recipients.

Surely this creates more engagement from your recipients since they’re not seeing just an email with their name on it, they’re seeing a custom image that speaks directly to them. Examples of this can be found in lots of emails and they provide a very classy touch to your emails.

The Art of Using custom text on Your Images

If you’re wondering about all the effort that would cost to do this for every recipient in your mailing list, don’t worry. Most images can be easily modified, but you’ll likely want to save time and effort. The good news is that good email marketing services can help you customize images with these “custom texts”.

They don’t always have to be the first or last name of your recipient. Just think about the possibilities at your disposal knowing that you can modify images with the text you want. This opens the possibility of even better product pitching.

Using dynamic website screenshots in your images.

Incorporating screenshots from webpages can be in your best interest more often than you think. You can use them to provide information on different topics of interest. As for the dynamic part think of movement and change. For instance.

Let’s say you want to perform a market analysis on the client company’s vs non client company’s in a particular moment. A good idea, in this case, would be to actually place images side to side, one side showing your clients and their performance while the other side is that of non-clients. After the initial infographics, you can insert a dynamic website screenshot that will display the current page of your clients and their performance.

Or you can go with sending emails with a screenshot of your prospects website and how much you like it. Either of those approaches are perfectly fine and if you come up with more, then even better.

There are lots of services that can handle this for you in case your email marketing client can’t. One of those services is the API GetScreenShot. They offer great screenshot to mail workflow and interaction.

Using company logos.

Nothing speaks about efficiency like automatization, by now you probably understand that. The thing is that most people think that automatization and personalization can’t go hand to hand. That is where most are wrong.

Let’s say that you’ve crafted a great sales email and you’re ready to send it to a whole bunch of recipients. If you need a hand with this you might want to check out our article about the anatomy of the perfect email, but back to the topic. The problem is that you need something to caught their personal attention, especially if this is a B2B outreach email.

Now think of the image you want to use for a second. Using company logos is one of the best ways to create an impact on your recipients. Think of how you would react to an email addressed to you personally using your name and company logo. You would be much more inclined to actually answer this email, right?

This is exactly the same for your recipient. In fact, this is a great way to start a B2B relationship. Before you think about all the effort you’ll have to put in crafting every email, remember automatization. Now day’s almost every email marketing client can accommodate using a particular image from your database, that image should be that person’s company logo. The logo can easily be obtained when you’re doing research on your outreach prospects.

Creating a clickable personalized image for your emails.

This is especially great for calls to action, after all, it’s no secret that people love clicking buttons. Aside from that, implementing clickable images in your emails as shown to be able to produce an increase in a click rate of nearly 500% when compared with normal links.

Again, the reason for this is the visual appeal produced by your emails. People love the attention and adding custom images for your calls to action shows that you’re willing to put effort on the emails you send your recipients, meaning attention.

For more tips on how personalization can help your outreach efforts, you can read our article about it. Following our own advice just click the image below.

Creating a clickable personalized image for your emails

Take away on the art of using personalized images in your emails.

The importance of using personalized images in your emails cannot be overstated. Right now, lots of companies are fighting for leads and business partners. Personalization offers a way to stand out and make your recipients pay attention to you and your company.

Remember the best ways to use personalized images are.

  • Using custom text in your images.
  • Using dynamic websites screenshots in your images.
  • Using company logos.
  • Creating a clickable personalized image for your emails.

If you need even further convincing in the benefits of using media content in your emails try our article about the use of images in your sale emails.

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